नेपाल संवत: ११४५ चिल्लाथ्व चतुर्दशी - १४
It is the responsibility of the Academic Administration to ensure the university's academic mission is successfully achieved. Our Academic Administrators coordinate academic assessment, planning, programming, and scheduling, working with accrediting bodies and working under the mandate of the Rector. Besides overseeing academic programs, Academic Administration also deals with policies and procedures related to student's academic programs. In addition to providing administrative assistance, we make sure that students receive a comprehensive, multidisciplinary learning experience that reflects the fundamental ideas, techniques, and attitudes that arise from the various branches of technology.
Academic administration internal focus may be considered as incorporating two aspects: developing and implementing academic goals for the institution and allocating resources to various departments and campus support services to support those academic goals. A common outcome of this internal focus is an institutional orientation that often seeks the balance of competing needs between units within an institution to achieve the best outcomes for that institution done by academic administration.
Ext. 12