महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचना



नेपाल संवत: ११४५ चिल्लाथ्व पुन्हि - १५



  1. Bachelor in Anesthesia Technology
  2. Bachelor in Audiology, Speech and Language Pathology
  3. Bachelor in Optometry
  4. Bachelors in Imaging Technology (BMIT)
  5. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery ( MBBS)
  6. Bachelor in Medical Lab Technician (BMLT)
  7. Bachelor in Pharmacy (BPharma)
  8. Bachelor in Public health ( BPH)
  9. Bachelors in Mid Wifery Program (BMW)
  10. Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS)
  11. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)


Competent, dedicated faculties and staffs will be hired who will exemplify and nurture development of positive professional values to educate 225 students who will be recruited in seven undergraduate programmes this year.

  1. Advertisement
  2. Endorse salary and perks as per law
  3. General administrative:
  4. Research
  5. Information and Communication Technology ( ICT)
  6. Information desk
  7. Faculties


Temporary infrastructure will be constructed for which following programmes will be carried out:

We will have following buildings:

  1. Administrative block : Seventeen rooms will be constructed before commencement of programmes to carry out administrative functioning.
  2. Academic Block: We will need 35 room to conduct academic programmes.
  3. Library Hall: Three rooms will be constructed for library purpose.
  4. Computer hall: We will have two rooms for computer use.
  5. Canteen
  6. Hostel: As per students demand
  7. Recreational Hall

Get accreditation from Government of Nepal Medical education commission

Set up committee:

Foreign students recruitment